Tuesday, June 1, 2021




Real Name: Peter Hunter
First Appearance: The Knights of Pendragon (Vol. 1) #8, February 1991

Powers: Peter Hunter was a 32-year-old in 1914 England when he was empowered by the mystical Green Knight as a representative of the Earth itself. He was bestowed the Pendragon which once belonged to Merlin and Herme the Hunter.

The Pendragon spirits arise from an extra-dimensional realm where the Chapel of the Green Knight rests, and can be sent out to different planets and dimensions to bring about champions of all that is good and natural. Pendragon spirits are reused over time, and the current holder of a Pendragon might feel the memories and experiences of previous holders influencing them. A Pendragon is connected to the land, and often experiences clairvoyant or prophetic dreams about threats to the natural world, particularly those caused by their mortal enemies, the Bane and the Red Lord. Their nature-based senses also give them an intuitive link with animal life, often able to understand messages and warnings from living creatures.

Hunter was originally bestowed with the spirit of the Pendragon by the Green Knight in time for World War I, serving as Albion for a time. The spirit eventually left him, along with his powers, but he remained extremely long-lived until the Pendragon reached out to him a second time in the modern era. Albion's Pendragon spirit was the same one that inhabited Merlin during the age of Camelot (although it was once suggested he was possessed by a different Pendragon the first time around, that of Herne the Hunter). Despite being over a century old, Hunter outwardly appeared to be a man in his 50's or 60's under normal circumstances in the modern age, and activating his Pendragon spirit restored him to his prime, the age he was in 1914 when he first received the power.

As Albion, Peter possesses a level of superhuman strength, reflexes, endurance, and resistance to physical injury. He is capable of flight (as fast as Mach 2) and can project "Pendragon fire" from his hands, a form of pure elemental lightning. His original costume as Albion would appear when he transformed, and it has since been supplemented by the Pendragon armor found by the Knights in the Green Chapel. The armor provides mystical sensors and protection to further improve the Pendragons' abilities. He is also well-versed in the Arthurian Tarot, utilizing it to divine future events.

Peter Hunter has a Ph.D. in history and a B.A. in English Literature.

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