Monday, June 7, 2021




Real Name: Andrew Hamish Graves
First Appearance: The Uncanny X-Men (Vol. 1) #300, May 1993

Powers: Spoor possesses a feral mutation which grants him superhuman strength and agility, long thick hair covering his body, hyper-keen senses, razor sharp claws and fangs.

His primary mutant ability is to secrete airborne pheromones that heighten the aggression of others around him. He could direct this aggression, but would often leave it uncontrolled. His pheromones could also incite others into a murderous frenzy, a suicidal depression, or make people experience vivid and horrific hallucinations.

1 comment:

sylar10 said...

A very brutal Acolyte. Given his feral mutation, Scottish background, and abusive paternal upbringing, I’ve considered that he might be related to Wolfsbane.