Monday, June 7, 2021




Real Name: Katu Kath
First Appearance: The Uncanny X-Men (Vol. 1) #300, May 1993

Powers: Katu’s mutant power is the ability to act as a conduit for ambient electromagnetic fields, allowing him to siphon electromagnetic energy in his environment and convert it into blasts of devastating energy. This power only works on ambient energy levels, and so cannot let him drain power from machinery or bio-blasts. His power also disrupts the natural alignment of energy fields in his immediate area, causing “inter-atmospheric anomalies” (bad weather). He cannot control the weather, but activating his power can scramble natural weather patterns to create freak storms and counter-balance existing climate conditions. It also creates a blanket of electromagnetic “white noise”, scrambling communications over a wide area.

1 comment:

sylar10 said...

Katu was an Inuit fisherman with a family living in a village. He didn't know it at the time, but he was a mutant whose power comes with the side-effect of scrambling electromagnetic communications. His power was causing sattelite disruptions in Russia, so they sent Arkady Russovich (Omega Red) to deal with the problem.

Russovich and the army slaughtered the village (including Katu's family) and then subdued Katu. Red used his tendrils to rip Katu's arms off to prevent further interfence (Red's an asshole, he even told him "Look at it like this: You'll never have to worry about frostbite!”

The Russians took him in and gave him cybernetic arm(s). His bitterness about his ordeal and anger towards Red led him to join the Acolytes.