Monday, June 7, 2021




Real Name: Francisco Milan
First Appearance: The Uncanny X-Men (Vol. 1) #300, May 1993

Powers: Milan was a mutant electropath, capable of converting thought waves into electronic signals. By projecting his own thoughts at a computer, he could change them into computer-language command programming, communicating with computers in cyberspace to alter their programming or control different functions. He could also tap into the sensory memory of living beings and project whatever they've seen or heard through radios, monitors, holographic generators, etc. This enabled him to probe someone's mind by replaying their memories for all to see on a nearby TV screen. He has suggested that scanning too vigorously may render someone catatonic. Milan could also tap into real-time audio/visual feeds, using his screens to tap into whatever someone is seeing or hearing at that very moment. Milan could tap into people's minds from a distance, providing they are at least in the general area, but he receives no directional or locational signal on them. For instance, he was able to locate Cable's mind once to tap into his real time sensory information, but was unaware of how close Nathan was to him until he saw himself on his monitor.

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