Monday, June 7, 2021




Real Name: Amelia C. Voght
First Appearance: The Uncanny X-Men (Vol. 1) #300, May 1993

Powers: Amelia Voght’s mutant power is the ability to transubstantiate matter on a molecular level, enabling her to convert matter into a psionically-resonant vapor at will. This mist became Amelia's own natural state after her powers manifested, and she is capable of transforming herself or any person or object in her line-of-sight into this state. Loose mist is virtually insubstantial, and so Amelia can use this power to avoid injury. She can control the flow of the vapor through the air, allowing her to fly, squeeze herself through tight passages, or move objects about: She can protect a person out from under attack by dispersing and reforming them nearby, or steal her opponents' weapons by vaporizing them in their hands and bringing them into her own.

Amelia’s mist can also be transported through the astral plane, allowing her to employ her powers for long range teleportation. She is able to transport herself and anything else she transubstantiates across the surface of the globe in an instant, or to and from orbit around the planet. She can teleport with cargo, or send objects to a new location within traveling with them, providing she can visualize the new location in her mind. On certain occasions, she even demonstrated the ability to summon distant people to herself by teleportation, visualizing wherever the person is at the moment, seeing them converted into mist, and then bringing that mist into her presence to be reformed. As stated, her default physical state is as a mist and, as such, it is only through intense concentration and exertion can she maintain her corporeal human form.

Amelia Voght is a registered nurse specializing in physical therapy, able to immediately observe and acutely assess trauma, injury, and acute-onset symptoms in patients.

1 comment:

sylar10 said...

She left America after her parents hated her for being a mutant. She became a Red Cross nurse in India, she met Charles Xavier after he was crippled by Lucifer. She nursed him back to health and they fell in love.

They revealed their mutant natures to each other over time. They moved back to America, but friction happened when he started making plans to form the X-Men. They both encountered Magneto, and she knew about Xavier’s work with Jean Grey, but what made her aversion to Xavier’s dream concrete...was the first night an orphan named Scott Summers slept under Xavier’s roof. She was prepared to leave because she didn’t want to out her fellow mutants or participate in Xavier’s or Magneto’s vision (which obviously changed), thinking they’d all be destroyed. Xavier, desperate to make her stay, began to telepathically force her to see things his way. That made her slap him and break off their relationship for good.