Saturday, June 19, 2021




Real Name: Martin Henry Strong
First Appearance: X-Force Annual (Vol. 1) #2, October 1993

Powers: Martin Henry Strong was a mutant born with a malformed body physically weak with flipper-like appendages in place of hands and feet.

His mutant powers, however, include superhuman intelligence. He can rapidly accumulate knowledge, recall it, apply it, in some combination of the above. He used his intelligence to create synthetic-organic receptacle bodies to house his true form. His traditionally-used body gave the appearance of a large, muscularly fit man with superhuman strength and durability, able to withstand a combined attack from the mutant powers of every X-Force member simultaneously with only minor damage. According to Strong himself, his skin was "impervious to all but an Adamantium knife" yet Feral was able to rend the flesh of Strong's artificial body with her claws, suggesting that Strong overstated his own invulnerability. When damaged, the artificial body could repair itself within moments.

His mutant powers also include forging a sympathetic symbiosis with other sentient, organic forms, making him specifically capable of bio-organic symbiosis and merger with living beings with his mind being dominant.

Martin Henry Strong is a genius-level intellect largely in part from his mutant abilities. A brilliant businessman, he is the owner, founder, and CEO of Strong Industries, a corporate conglomerate that owned subsidiaries such as the Foundations genetics lab, Hannigan Electronics, and StrongH.O.L.D.

1 comment:

sylar10 said...

You could almost say he was a self-hating mutant.

He hated his deformities and how it made him an outcast on all sides of society. Using his mutant genius, he created a body and a company that got him what he wanted. He even had a wife and two kids, but she left and took them when she found out he was a mutant.

After those experiences, he used his companies to recruit mutants who wanted to remove their powers, even if by invasive means.