Sunday, June 6, 2021




Real Name: Sarah Ryall
First Appearance: Avengers (Vol. 1) #357, December 1992

Powers: Scanner is a mutant with an array of psionic and bioelectrical powers. She is able to sense the unique presence of mutant and human bio-rhythms, detecting them from at least a few hundred feet away. Scanner can also sense astral forms, seeing and hearing these psychic projections which are normally undetectable. She can release bio-electric feedback into an astral form on contact, forcing the person's consciousness to return to its physical body and often rendering them unconscious.

Initially, she was able to project her own astral form and traverse great distances, but later began to rely on her primary ability: the power to assume an electro-transitional state, effectively becoming a living hologram. In this energy form, Scanner is able to travel at light speed across the planet's surface, is intangible, and normally undetectable to human senses. She communicates with others psionically in this state, and can become transparently visible to others if she wishes to.

1 comment:

sylar10 said...

One of the least bloodthirsty Acolytes, and also...Scanner I was a Spaceknight.

Also, she first appeared in the Avengers issue above as “Screener” and months later by “Scanner” in UXM #300. It led to confusion as to whether or not they were separate characters.

More than a decade later, one of the Marvel Handbooks confirmed that they’re the same person.