Saturday, June 5, 2021




Real Name: Clement Wilson
First Appearance: X-Factor (Vol. 1) #75, February 1992

Powers: Ruckus has the mutant power of hypersonic mimicry. He can psionically sense any sound in his immediate vicinity and record it in his memory. He can then replicate it at an amplification of more than a thousand times through his vocal cords. Even a small firecracker going off is sufficient ammunition for his power, causing tremendous pain to anyone in hearing distance of his sonic recreation blast. His sonic force can bring down buildings, blow out eardrums, and render people unconscious or make them collapse in pain.
He possesses superhumanly enhanced throat, lungs, and vocal cords that are specially adapted to withstand the high volume sounds he reproduces. He also has specially reinforced eardrums that are immune to the harmful effects of loud noises and various ranges of sonic frequencies (both his own and external).

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