Saturday, June 5, 2021




Real Name: Steven Shaffran
First Appearance: X-Factor (Vol. 1) #72, November 1992

Powers: Ricochet possessed an event-manipulation mutant ability based on altering probabilities around his given target. By focusing on a given person or group, his mutant power generated a psionic probability matrix in which an event or series of events would unfold to turn their strengths against them in a manner that works in his own favor. This power can cloud a victim's thinking, causing them to make rash or unwise choices.

When used on mutants or other superhumans, the effect can be more dramatic: Quicksilver developed a psychosomatic stress disorder which convinced him and his body that he was aging at an accelerated rate whenever he used his powers; Strong Guy's great strength led him to accidentally demolish the Washington Monument; Multiple Man had a rogue dupe who wanted his own life, whom he had absorbed months prior, suddenly gain enough willpower to separate himself from Madrox entirely, and so forth.

Steven Shaffran was a United States Senator and hid his mutant status from the general public.

1 comment:

sylar10 said...

Shaffran was a US Senator who wants to be President. He allied with Mr. Sinister and publicly discredited mutants at every chance, including X-Factor. But that was all part of Sinister’s plan to discredit Shaffran and out him as a mutant.

Once that was done, Shaffran tried killing Sinister with a handgun. The bullet ricocheted off Sinister and into Shaffran’s forehead, instantly killed via death by irony.

Also, his power effects were temporary. The way he described it, only the Scarlet Witch has anything like it. Of course, this was long before her power became full-blown reality altering.

Side note: A Madrox dupe asked him if his power causes people to fuck up big time, then why didn’t he use it on George H.W. Bush during the first election. His response?
“I did. Why else do you think he nominated Quayle?”