Thursday, June 3, 2021




Real Name: Rachel Argosy
First Appearance: X-Factor (Vol. 1) #79, June 1992

Powers: Rachel Argosy was a high school music teacher who suffered childhood meningitis which delayed the manifestation of her mutant genes until her adulthood. Now possessing a blue skin complexion, she also possesses the mutant ability to manipulate continuing and rhythmic sonic waves, particularly those of musical melodies, for a variety of effects.

It is unclear whether the effects created by her power are formed directly from sonic energy, or if she simply uses sound as a conduit for psychic abilities. In either case, any musical instrument (from a violin to a piano to a harmonica) can produce a proper focus for her powers.

The simplest of her abilities is levitation: Using musical sounds as slight propellant, she can float on air and engage in directed motion hovering. She can also lift other people and objects off the ground with her power. She can also focus music into bands of solidified energy, physically ensnaring and striking an opponent (these "bands" looked like musical notes gathered together in tightly compacted strands).

Her power also has hypnotic qualities. Naturally susceptible people may fall into a trance-like state whenever Rhapsody is using her powers, simply as a side effect of her melodies, but she can also consciously induce trances in anyone. She can make people experience altered reality, calling forth images of joy or happiness such as a loved one or a comforting location. A moderate rapture state can leave people blissful, unaware and uninterested in reality for as long as she's playing music, but a more severe rapture can overload someone's system, making their heart give out and killing them. Rhapsody can also mentally project herself into the fantasies created by her power, interacting with the entranced people however she chooses. It was suggested, but not confirmed, that Rhapsody maintained some minor level of influence over people even after they broke out of their trances. Finally, Rhapsody claimed that she would die without music. But whether this was a unique physiological need, a psychological dependency, or an indication of mental instability, is unclear.

Rachel Argosy holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in music education. A multi-instrumentalist, she is particularly skilled in playing the violin.

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