Sunday, June 27, 2021




Real Name: Adam Berman
First Appearance: X-Men Unlimited (Vol. 1) #16, September 1997

Powers: Primal possesses the mutant ability to convert himself into an enhanced human-reptile form at will. He gains height and muscle mass, plus reptilian characteristics. He gains superhuman strength (around Class 10), agility, speed, and endurance, and stands nearly 50% taller.

When he transforms, the R-complex of Primal's brain (the most primitive region of the human brain containing the most bestial drives) sometimes overtakes his cerebellum, causing Primal's' mind to become progressively inhuman. He also possesses a razor-sharp teeth set in his muscular jaw and razor-sharp claws and each finger. Even in his human form, Primal's eyes glow red, and he hides this beneath his sunglasses. Using his reptilian form causes extreme dehydration upon his return to normal. He also forcibly reverts to normal when rendered unconscious.

1 comment:

sylar10 said...

He only appeared once. They shoulda brought him over to Gen-X. He was most likely depowered on M-Day.