Sunday, June 6, 2021




Real Name: JoBeth
First Appearance: X-Factor (Vol. 1) #82, September 1992

Powers: Pirouette is a mutant with the ability to rotate her body around its lengthwise axis at superhuman speeds. She can spin as fast as 400 revolutions per minute, and still speak, hear, and see her environment while spinning. Her power makes it possible for her to move along the ground in any direction at superhuman speeds while stirring up high-velocity winds in an air funnel around herself. This wind effect can lift her up off the ground, and can be redirected by her body motion to send cyclonic blasts of compressed air towards her opponents, or create secondary funnels to sweep them off the ground, without tiring appreciably.

While spinning, Pirouette cannot be touched or caught due to the tremendous angular momentum created by her rotation. Piroutte's sense of balance is no longer determined by her inner ears' semi-circular canals, but seems to be derived from her sight.

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