Saturday, June 5, 2021




Real Name: Angela Cairn
First Appearance: The Spectacular Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #190, July 1992 (as Angela Cairn); The Spectacular Spider-Man Annual (Vol. 1) #13, September 1993 (as Nocturne)

Powers: Nocturne was a human police officer named Angela Cairn, artificially mutated by Baron Zemo's Protoid engineering machine, blending her genetic code with that of a bat.

As Nocturne, Angela possesses slightly enhanced strength, razor sharp talons, and bat-like wings enabling her to fly. Her hair is also prehensile, animated by her mental commands to reach out and grab people or objects. She can still speak, but only with great difficulty. Nocturne communicates primarily through empathic perceptions. Her heightened sensitivity to emotion enables her to feel the presence of other emoting beings, and detect the form and intensity of their emotional state. She could also project emotional impressions at other people; these could either be raw emotions like rage, sorrow, or a calming serenity, or something more complex to convey a specific point or understanding. Just after being transformed, for instance, she was able to get Spider-Man to recognize her as Angela Cairn by projecting her identity as an empathic connection to him. She could also project memory images into people's minds, allowing them to experience feelings and sensory impressions from her past, or she could act as an emotional conduit transmitting empathic sensations between two different people. Also, Nocturne could draw the pain out of someone's body and into herself, a process that increased the physical and spiritual healing of that person.

Angela Cairn is an excellent marksman with conventional weapons, has superb investigative skills, and is a good athlete due to her police academy training.

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