Thursday, June 24, 2021




Real Name: Unrevealed
First Appearance: Bishop (Vol. 1) #1, December 1994

Powers: Hailing from the dystopian future reality of Earth-1191, Mountjoy has the mutant ability to fuse his molecular mass with another person. He can use his power in two ways:

By absorbing himself into another person's body, Mountjoy takes control over their actions as a ‘silent partner’. Generally, the victim (‘proxy’) is conscious, but Mountjoy’s facial features dominate the merger, and he is capable of reading through his host's mind so long as he is in their body. The second method by which he employs his mutant power is what he refers to as the ‘hostile takeover’, whereby he absorbs another person's body into himself. Mountjoy's metabolism begins to assimilate his victim's body after they are absorbed; if he isn't forced to divest them from his system in time, the victim simply ceases to exist as Mountjoy “digests” them entirely. Through a "hostile takeover", Mountjoy claims their psyche, memories, and any superhuman abilities his victim might possess. While his victim is still active in his system, they are frequently visible in some way, such as their face pressing out from the side of his skull, or extra limbs sticking out in various places. Mountjoy can also access and control their memories and superhuman powers up until the point they are completely assimilated into his structure.

Both methods are painful and uncomfortable to the victim, and the remnants of their bodies can sometimes be seen emerging from Mountjoy afterward, especially if a victim resists; if a victim resists during possession, Mountjoy cannot establish total dominance. He apparently can regain strength and vitality by absorbing others as food; and it's unrevealed if he eats or drinks.

Lastly, Mountjoy is capable of generating a “basilisk field”. Activated through eye contact, he can reach out and trap a victim in this invisible psionic field effect, which dramatically slows down their reflexes and reaction times within five yards.

He has enhanced strength and agility, performing gymnast-level acrobatics and leaping 12' high. He carries bladed weapons that he can hurl with deadly accuracy, a crossbow that fires poisoned arrows, and despite disliking firearms, he sometimes carries pistols that fire "anti-mutant" ammunition.

1 comment:

sylar10 said...

He’s from Bishop’s future.

When Fitzroy escaped XSE custody and came to the present, he brought Bantam with him as his temporal anchor. However, he didn’t know that Mountjoy was Bantam’s ‘silent partner’. Upon arrival, Mountjoy separated himself from Bantam and went on his own.