Saturday, June 5, 2021




Real Name: Morg
First Appearance: Silver Surfer (Vol. 3) #69, August 1992

Powers: Morg was charged with the Power Cosmic by Galactus, given power rivaling that of the Silver Surfer, and then further augmented himself by immersing himself in the Well of Life, a natural spring of tremendous power he found on one of the worlds he destroyed. As a result, Morg possessed Class 100 strength, superhuman speed, agility, and reflexes, tireless stamina, and the abilities to survive in the vacuum of space and withstand massive amounts of physical punishment.

At the peak of his power, Morg was able to hold his own against the Silver Surfer and four of his fellow former Heralds simultaneously. He could project concussive blasts of force from his hands, or expel force energy from his body as protective shields or repulsive waves. He was capable of flying unaided through air and space, and could achieve warp speeds under his own power. Morg often carried a massive axe which served as a focus for his destructive energies. A brute and berzerker by nature, Morg did little to cultivate elaborate or unique methods of employing the Power Cosmic, relying almost exclusively on raw force. Therefore, it is possible he could manipulate molecular structures or produce multiple kinds of energy, but simply never chose to do so.

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