Thursday, June 24, 2021




Real Name: Sarah
First Appearance: Cable (Vol. 2) #15, September 1994 (as child); X-Men: Prime (Vol. 1) #1, July 1995 (as adult)

Powers: Marrow’s mutation grants her a highly unique physiology designed around the concept of her being able to remove her bones as weapons and consists of accelerated growth hormones that stimulate her metabolism to increase her strength, agility, reflexes, and recuperative capabilities. She also possesses resistance to impact, thanks to the extra-durable nature of her skeleton. Her regenerative powers are exceptional as well, enabling her to survive and recover from massive trauma to her system, such as the removal of her second heart. Apparently, her body was able to adjust and continue functioning with only one heart. Her accelerated growth factor also causes her bones grow to such a degree that they exceed the design of her skeleton, sprouting out from her body at odd angles. Many of these bones splinter as they manifest, making them useful as bladed weapons when she snaps them off. Her bone growth was originally random and uncontrolled, constantly shifting and regenerating with random disregard for her skin and internal organs. However, after her first heart was removed, Marrow began concentrating on controlling her mutant powers to some degree.

Marrow became capable of reshaping her bone structure, giving her control over the shape and sharpness of her removable bones. She maintained a set of bone shafts growing from her back at all times as easily accessible and removable bone daggers. She also was able to focus and morph the bones of her fingers, elongating them and forging the tips into razor sharp points. After being placed in a Shi'ar regenerative matrix on the Skrull homeworld, Marrow's body and powers altered considerably. She no longer had to deal with random and uncontrolled bone growths and the constant pain that accompanied them; rather her bones sprouted in a predictable stylized pattern, including a set of subdued horns on her brow, thin hair-like spines on her forearms and legs, and some plating on her torso. Through concentration, Marrow could make these protrusions recede, making herself look completely normal. She could also do the opposite, causing the bone plating on her body to increase in size, protecting various parts of her skin. She was seen with what appeared to be solid bone covering her entire hand like a glove, but it's possible her hand was still capable of motion, possibly by cracking and reforming the bone-glove instant-by-instant. These bone gloves could form razor sharp points on the ends of her fingers, and extend the tips so that she could reach greater distances or shape skeleton keys to flow into any lock. The spines on her forearms were readily-accessible projectiles, fired on a mental command and constantly regenerating her supply. She could still generate and remove bone daggers, but the process was painless and she could mentally control the shape of the blades as they extended from her body to be removed.

Eventually, Marrow joined S.H.I.E.L.D. and gained a power upgrade during that time. She was now somehow capable of morphing between two forms: A fully normal looking and acting girl named Sarah Rushman, and a crazed version of Marrow more closely resembling her original form. Offering herself to Weapon X, they successfully restored her beauty, making her appear completely normal on the outside. She maintained mental control over her bones, allowing her to create and remove a variety of bone weapons such as spears or blowguns, and she could form her bones to sprout claws just like Wolverine's. After leaving the Weapon X Program, though, her bones began to grow out again without repeat treatments from their doctors. Post M-Day, Marrow was a depowered mutant (with her physical mutations intact, however) and had adjusted to using regular knives stored in a special weapons compartment on her back.

Later, a bio-engineering "Volga Strain" treatment allowed her to access mutant "muscle memory" from her lost powers, providing her with some semblance of her original mutant powers.

1 comment:

sylar10 said...

Sarah was a Morlock child who survived the Mutant Massacre (saved by Gambit). But she grew up on the Hill.

When Mikhail Rasputin flooded the Morlock tunnels in an apparent mass suicide, he transported them all at the last instant to another dimension called the Hill.

The entire dimension appears to be one giant hill, with Mikhail's castle atop. The Morlocks there try to breed progeny who are strong enough to climb the hill and reach Mikhail's castle.

Time passes faster there and it suffers from hostile weather conditions, such as acid rain. And yet, the dimension also had miraculous healing properties, so quickly and effortlessly undoing physical injuries suffered by the population so that all wounds were non-fatal.