Saturday, June 5, 2021




Real Name: Neena Thurman
First Appearance: X-Force (Vol. 1) #8, March 1992

Powers: Domino's mutant ability is that her cerebral cortex generates bioelectric pulses down her spine in order to provide instinctive guidance for her movements, which boost her agility and reflexes to near-superhuman levels. These pulses also initiate random telekinetic acts that cause probabilities to fall into place for her.

Classically, this "luck" portion of her ability was completely subconscious and largely dependent on participatory action on her part. For example, while the Scarlet Witch may be able to stand before a hail of bullets and alter the probability of each bullet suddenly veering off course, Domino would be struck dead by said bullets. Instead, Domino must take action, attempting to avoid the gunfire and will miraculously bob and weave just perfectly to avoid every single shot. The effect has extended to miraculous sharp-shooting instances, sudden electrical failure in security devices, hidden and potentially dangerous hazards somehow catching her attention, and so on. Eventually, she demonstrated a newfound ability to consciously nudge specific probabilities towards occurrence, causing already formed storm clouds to fully ionize and strike a lightning bolt down on an attacker. The full ramifications of this talent remain unspecified.

Domino has been extensively trained in both armed and unarmed combat techniques, as well as covert operations and demolitions. She is a superb markswoman, athlete, and swimmer. She is fluent in several languages, often wears body armor, and carries conventional firearms.

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