Tuesday, June 1, 2021




Members: Victor "Vic" Chalker; Number One Fan (Rick Chalker); and Carnivore (Dick Chalker)

First Appearances: X-Factor (Vol. 1) #72, November 1991 (Vic Chalker); X-Factor (Vol. 1) #83, October 1992 (Rick Chalker); X-Factor (Vol. 1) #89, April 1993 (Carnivore)

History and Powers: The Chalker family were a trio of siblings (sources vary, however they may possibly be cousins instead, or both). Despite Carnivore being a mutant, all three men were fanatically anti-mutant and, even before their temporary resurrection at the hands of Satannish, all met their deaths in cartoonishly slapstick fashion.

Vic Chalker developed a suit based on the Rampage armor. It was an exoskeletal suit which enhanced his strength (presumably up to Class 25) and reflexes. It was also reinforced armor plating with focused on-board laser cannons and boot rockets for flight capacity. His suit was not waterproof, however.

Number One Fan had his hands surgically replaced with propeller blades. They were bionic gauntlets acting as whirling, razor-edged fan blades capable of slicing through most forms of matter. The replacement of his hands left him unable to perform everyday tasks and, had he not suffered a premature freak death, would be dependent on others to perform those tasks for him.

Carnivore was a mutant with a saurian mutation. He had humanoid dinosaurian physical characteristics which served to augment his size, strength, stamina, reflexes, senses, and durability. He also possessed a semi-prehensile tail, razor sharp talons, and fangs.

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