Sunday, June 6, 2021




Real Name: Unrevealed
First Appearance: X-Force (Vol. 1) #10, May 1992

Powers: Absalom is a mutant with the power to reshape his skeletal structure so as to extend razor sharp bone spikes out from his skin. These spikes can range from about a foot in length, designed for close quarters use, or he can extend them a few dozen meters or more so that the spikes act like extending lances to stab his foes at range, or to support his weight and carry him above street level.

Absalom has an extremely long lifespan due to his status as an External. Externals are mutants who, in addition to having powers from their active “x-factor” gene, are also gifted with near-immortality. An External’s immortality manifests at the point of their first mortal death. They would age normally until their first death, after which they would self-resurrect and remain frozen at that age indefinitely from then on. An External is supposed to be capable of recovering from just about any injury given time, except for the severing of all four limbs and the head. They proved just as susceptible to the Legacy Virus as other mutants, and could also be killed by the absorption or destruction of their astral forms.

1 comment:

sylar10 said...

He was an outlaw in the old west. His mutant powers manifested as he was about to be executed via hanging. He was shot to death instead, woke up a few days later in a casket, and eventually found his way towards his fellow Externals.

He had the Legacy Virus, but was killed by Selene before the illness could do it. Along with the other Extetnals killed in the ‘90s, he eventually returned to life.