Friday, July 16, 2021




Real Name: Sofia Mantega
First Appearance: The New Mutants (Vol. 2) #1, July 2003

Powers: Sofia’s mutant power was elemental. She could manipulate ambient air molecules and use them to create controlled air funnels to lift herself off the ground and fly, or similarly lift and maneuver other objects with a degree of finesse. Sofia could produce compressed gusts of wind which could hurl things about with great force, create razor sharp winds that slice into and through her opponents, and form a cyclone expanding out from her position to pick up and throw about anything in her vicinity. She could also scramble someone's inner ear with concentrated air, causing them to lose balance and experience vertigo. Wind Dancer could also cause the wind to bring distant sounds into range for her to hear. She could either bring these sounds into the general area, allowing anyone nearby her to hear them as well, or carry the sounds directly to her own ears, so that only she could hear them. Just the opposite, Sofia could propel sounds away from her vicinity, creating zones of total silence.

After being depowered on M-Day, Sofia began using a collection of technology provided for her by the New Warriors. As Renascence, she carried a pair of pulse pistols and has a costume which generated a golden aura that acted as a protective force field. Her backpack had a set of six telescopic and retractable mechanical arms resembling those of Doctor Octopus. They're strong enough to lift her off the ground, strike opponents from a distance or deflect attacks, and project bolts of electrical fire from their tips. Like all members of the new New Warriors, Sofia had a utility belt with cartridges containing Pym Particles for reducing opponents down to size or impact webbing for quickly wrapping up and restraining felons. Her suit also generated an anti-gravity platform for flight and propulsion, and contained a "Ghost Mode" that rendered her intangible and utterly unaffected by physical assaults. Night Thrasher was able to remotely trigger the ghost circuitry, but it is unknown if he granted independent control of the ability to his teammates prior to the New Warriors' disbandment.

She has since died, and been resurrected and repowered under the mutant island nation-state of Krakoa.

1 comment:

sylar10 said...

She’s the illegitimate daughter of a wealthy American father and Venezuelan mother. She grew up in Venezuela with her mother until she was killed in a riot. Sent to live with her father in the States, he had the same attitude of Tywin Lannister when it comes to parenting: “I’m ashamed of you, but you are my blood, so…”

She was always guided by her determination, which gave her a temper. As a result, she butted heads while she was a student at Xavier’s, but eventually mellowed out. She may be from a rich background, but she doesn’t have that snobby rich kid attitude. her rival-turned-boyfriend Julian Keller (aka Hellion) comes from a similar background in Beverly Hills and had the same rebellious attitude. Sofia took it awfully hard when she was depowered on M-Day and first became a waitress at a seedy New York diner. She’s since been repowered.

Her father was more concerned with money than being a parent and had never met her until after her mother’s death. She wasn’t only his bastard, but also a mutant, which led to further distance and twice the shame. He made her a deal: You don’t embarass me, and your material/money needs/wants will always be taken care of, without question. Some father.