Monday, July 19, 2021




Real Name: Santo Vacarro
First Appearance: The New Mutants (Vol. 2) #3, September 2003

Powers: Rockslide’s mutation is that his body is composed of animated rock, possessing superhuman strength (class 75), endurance, and resistance to all forms of physical impact. He can also disengage portions of his mass such as to remove his hands to pin an opponent to the ground or fire off his hands as high-speed projectile missiles. Rockslide could not control his body parts after they separated from him, though, and so would have to physically go to retrieve his fists after launching them and manually reattach them. He could survive being broken into smaller portions by an outside force, but only if his body was brought back into one piece within a short period of time afterwards. After Nimrod virtually atomized him, however, Rockslide's power evolved to bring him beyond his original physical body.

Santo now practically exists as a psychic phantom, capable of assembling any nearby stone into a "golem" rock body for himself to possess. Therefore, he can now reform himself after being destroyed or deconstructed using any nearby rock and earth, and not just the matter of his original body. He can no longer fire off his limbs as he did in the past, but instead can explosively shatter his entire body at will and then reform moments later.

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