Wednesday, July 28, 2021




Real Name: Miles Morales
First Appearance: Ultimate Comics Fallout (Vol. 1) #4, October 2011

Powers: Miles Morales became Spider-Man in the Ultimate Universe (Earth-1610) after being bitten by a genetically-engineered spider from a variant of the same Oz formula as the one who bit the Earth-1610 version of Peter Parker. He has all the traditional abilities of the Earth-616 Spider-Man, including proportionate strength, speed, agility, endurance, reflexes, leaping ability, wall-crawling, and spider-sense. He is not as strong as Peter Parker and his spider-sense is less sensitive, but both of these could be due to his youth and lack of training rather than permanent weaknesses. In addition, he has two abilities Peter Parker does not:

Miles has a chameleon-like ability to blend in with his surroundings, becoming virtually invisible. He also has a "venom strike", a contact-based bio-electric power. When touching a person or object, Miles can release a bio-electric charge into them, with a momentary delay. The initial contact can feel like a small shock or bite, followed a moment later by an incapacitating discharge of bio-electricity through their body. The venom strike is powerful enough to disable superhumanly strong opponents, and can cause damage to inanimate matter as well.

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