Wednesday, July 14, 2021




Real Name: Christian Frost
First Appearance: New X-Men (Vol. 1) #139, June 2003

Powers: Christian Frost is a mutant born with the power to create autonomous humanoid avatars of psionic energy. The avatars are extensions of his consciousness, able to see, hear, and speak, animated by a portion of his own mind. They are tangible or intangible as he chooses to make them, and can release psionic energy as an offensive discharge. The avatars can appear as glowing monochrome figures, or they can be refined enough to deceive even a telepath into thinking they are a genuine human being.

Christian suffers from major depression and post-traumatic stress disorder. In a healthy mental state, Christian directs his avatars consciously. But in his weaker moments, his self-doubt or negative feelings may guide his then. After killing his abusive father, Christian created an avatar of his father that acted just like Winston Frost, continuing the abusive behavior. To date, Christian has created avatars of himself and his father. The full range of possible constructs he can create is unknown.

1 comment:

sylar10 said...

He’s the sole male of the four Frost siblings, abused by his father for being gay.