Wednesday, July 28, 2021




Real Name: June Covington
First Appearance: Osborn (Vol. 1) #1, January 2011

Powers: Dr. June Covington developed a genetic plug-in technology and applied various forms of it to her body. The exact science behind her work hasn't been explained, but essentially she found a way to modify her physiology by introducing mixtures of pre-programmed genes into her system. Early applications improved her overall physique and profile: It enhanced her physical beauty, toned her muscle, increased her pain threshold, removed metabolic weaknesses and susceptibility to poisons and disease, etc. More advanced plug-ins made her body highly resistant to permanent harm. Her bones are pliant enough to absorb and disperse impact, and her joints can easily dislocate and then pop back into place. She is therefore double or triple-jointed in most areas, can have her head spun around 180 degrees without injuring her neck, shrug off bone-jarring impacts that twist her like a rag-doll, and yet she can reset her body in a matter of moments.

Her body also contains one or more paralytic neurotoxins. It's unclear whether she contains a specific set of neurotoxins, or if her metabolism is capable of generating new and varied toxins on command. Direct contact with her blood is dangerous, and she can also administer the neurotoxin as a scratch from her sharpened index fingernails or exhale gaseous clouds of it from her lungs. It can induce temporary paralysis, fatally retard the body's metabolic systems, or create more specific effects like "locked in" syndrome, leaving her victims alive but completely incapable of independent action for the rest of their lives.

Additionally, she can harness the bio-thermal energy produced by her metabolism, and release it sparingly as bolts of explosive heat from her hands. She has a form of genetic telepathy, enabling her to absorb genetic samples from other people in order to sense and track them from a distance. This ability enables her to psionically sense events happening in the presence of anyone she has sampled, and influence their thoughts and behavior to her own purposes. She also has some ability to telepathically project her thoughts to others she has not sampled.

Dr. June Covington holds a dual M.D./Ph.D. in genetics. A skilled scientist with expert knowledge of toxins and toxicology, she is also an expert in both molecular biology and genetics.

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