Tuesday, July 20, 2021




Real Name: Brian Cruz
First Appearance: The New Mutants (Vol. 2) #10, May 2004

Powers: Tag was born with the mutant power to attach (or ‘tag’) people and objects with specific signals that broadcast on psionic wavelengths. He created two different signals which worked in tandem with each other to produce a desired effect. One signal marked someone or something as “it”, making them the “sender” who broadcasted a certain message into the environment which was undetectable by anyone unless Tag chose to make them “receivers”, and thus susceptible to the sender’s message. Tag could make himself “it” or any person or object he came into contact with, and “receivers” could be tagged from a distance, just by willing it to be so.

Tag’s primary broadcast was to compel receivers to get away from the sender: Their conscious minds were submerged beneath the overriding drive to put distance between them and who- or whatever is “it”. The effect lasted until the receivers got far enough away from the sender that the compulsion faded, or until the sender was too far away from Tag for him to sustain the effect. Tag also learned how to create a new signal, which compels receivers to get closer and closer to the sender.

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