Friday, July 23, 2021




Real Name: Lorelei Travis
First Appearance: District X (Vol. 1) #1, July 2004

Powers: Lorelei is a mutant born with the power to accelerate and control at will the growth of the hair follicles on her skull. Though her hair is possessed of a modulus of elasticity, it does not have sheer resistance to damage and can be easily cut. However, she can stretch the elastic strands to more than twice on command and also animate her hair mentally, manipulating an individual strand or all of it at once.

She can manipulate solid objects using solely her hair, but the upper weight limit which her hair can support is unknown. It's also unknown as to whether the weight is being supported by psionic particles in the hair, or the hair itself. If the particles are the sole means, then it's the equivalent of tactile telekinesis and she can support the weight by the hair alone. If the strength of the hair itself is the only factor involved in lifting the weight, then Lorelei's neck, spine, etc. would also be bearing the weight, which would be potentially fatal. This would mean that she would have to have at least some of her hair anchored to the ground while lifting weights, acting as a brace to redistribute the weight away from her body.

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