Thursday, July 22, 2021




Real Name: Daisy Johnson
First Appearance: Secret War (Vol. 1) #2, July 2004

Powers: Daisy Johnson inherited "genetic damage" from her father, Calvin Zabo, thanks to his earliest chemical and genetic experiments on himself towards becoming Mister Hyde. Her mother was an Inhuman (Homo sapiens inanthropo), a genetically engineered offshoot of humanity created by the Kree to possess heightened strength, speed, agility, endurance, and reaction time, roughly 50% greater than humans. Zabo's "genetic damage" unlocked the latent Inhuman genes within Daisy that were passed down by her mother, giving her Terrigenesis without exposure to the Terrigen Mists.

As a result, she has the power to generate seismic vibrations. A single pulse builds up intense air pressure, like striking an opponent with a sonic boom. Repetitive vibrational pulsings can cause objects to shatter or crumble, even disintegrate under sustained pressure. Directing her power into the earth or pavement beneath her feet can set off tremors, open up fissures and cause the ground to tremble. Daisy has been trained to use her powers with pinpoint accuracy, enabling her to set off an earthquake in someone's brain or heart, killing them instantly if she chooses.

A trained S.H.I.E.L.D. operative, Quake is a highly skilled espionage agent and a formidable hand-to-hand combatant skilled in various martial arts, along with expertise in marksmanship and gymnastics.

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