Monday, July 26, 2021




Real Name: Nicholas Shelley
First Appearance: X-Men (Vol. 2) #171, August 2005

Powers: Flubber's mutant power manifestation left his body with a bizarre physiology. He possessed an oversized, muscular blue form with red tattoo-like markings along with heightened agility, strength, and abnormally large hands resembling whale fins.

His body was composed of a rubbery substance able to absorb impact harmlessly and redistribute it back in the direction of the initial impact, rebounding from it to spring great heights and distances. The unique physiology behind his neck and wrists removed vulnerable points that might snap or break when exposed to great force.

1 comment:

sylar10 said...

Thankfully, he got depowered on M-Day.But then got himself repowered via Crucible apparently.

He shoulda stayed depowered, he looks like a damn Manga character.