Friday, July 16, 2021




Real Name: Julian Keller
First Appearance: The New Mutants (Vol. 2) #2, August 2003

Powers: Hellion is a very powerful mutant telekinetic, able to apply psionic energy from his own mind to manipulate physical matter. He can use his power to fly at various speeds and levitate objects, generate telekinetic energy as blasts of concussive energy, and shape his energies into solid constructs such as platforms and force shields. After M-Day, Emma Frost psychically unleashed Hellion's full potential to help him save X-23's life. She was able to restore some of his psychic breakers, but his power began operating at a much higher level than before. Julian could generate massive amounts of additional telekinetic force, and fly at supersonic speeds. Conversely, he lost his fine motor control, and could no longer "grasp" or manipulate anything smaller than a refrigerator.

Later, Hellion lost his hands in battle with the Nimrod Sentinels, but had his abilities and skill level augmented through contact with Hope Summers and his time in the Age of X reality. His telekinetic sensitivity has increased to higher than it was before M-Day, allowing him to once again grab and manipulate small objects. He can guide his telekinetic force once it is projected, causing force bolts to bend at right angles to track his targets, or send a guided shockwave through the ground until it creates an eruption of force at a specific location. He can even guide his telekinesis at a sub-molecular level, causing a force bolt to phase-shift and pass through a solid object insubstantially in order to strike a target on the other side.

1 comment:

sylar10 said...

Rich kid from Beverly Hills, but without the rich kid attitude.