Wednesday, July 28, 2021




Real Name: Alexander Lexington
First Appearance: X-Men (Vol. 2) #178, January 2006

Powers: Alexander Lexington is a mutant with the ability to produce electrostatic energy. His high-voltage blasts could stun and electrocute living opponents, and the heat and electrical output they produced could damage inanimate targets as well. By producing controlled levels of electricity, he could override and operate mechanical systems by remote control, or force them to overload and explode due to a power surge.

Like all members of the Office of National Emergency’s Sentinel Squad O*N*E, Lexington was granted a Sentinel robot which he piloted. The Sentinel Squad mechs came in various configurations, but seemed to be equipped with some basic functions in all models. Naturally, each mech possessed tremendous size and physical strength, as well as highly reinforced armor plating to protect them from damage. Their primary offensive weapons were pulsar beams in the palms and optical lasers for surgical strikes. They were capable of flight thanks to the boot jets, and were equipped with a variety of non-lethal ordinance including tangle nets, smoke bombs, and anti-personal sonic emitters.

He became rather adept at focusing electrical power through the exostructure of his Sentinel mech as a weapon, as well.

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