Monday, July 26, 2021




Real Name: Petra (last name unrevealed)
First Appearance: X-Men: Deadly Genesis (Vol. 1) #1, January 2006

Powers: Petra is a geomorph with the mutant ability to manipulate all forms of earth and rock. She can levitate chunks of earth matter of various sizes, from the tiniest pebbles to boulders many times larger than a man. She is able to propel these rocks as projectiles, hurling them with enough force so that even smaller-sized ones can cause substantial damage. She can create simulated avalanches or hailstorms with her power. Petra can also cause masses of earth to rise out of the ground, blocking paths, elevating her to great heights on a column of rock, or directing these masses horizontally as battering rams or tidal waves of rock and soil.

On command, she is capable of making the ground become porous like quicksand beneath her opponent's feet, opening up chasms or fissures in the ground, and causing tremors to ripple through the earth. She can shape earth and rock with her mind, making it grow around her for protection or conceivably forming detailed shapes and sculptures that can be stationary or animated to carry out her will. Petra has also demonstrated the power to generate enormous pressure in rock by concentrating on it, allowing her to artificially recreate the natural conditions which form diamonds. It is unclear if she can shape and levitate diamonds just as easily as other geological materials.

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