Friday, July 16, 2021




Real Name: Kiden Nixon
First Appearance: NYX (Vol. 1) #1, November 2003

Powers: Kiden Nixon is a mutant born with the power to accelerate her movement in the timestream, causing her to move and operate at tremendous velocity and perceive her environment as if everything is frozen in place. While this technically should accelerate her metabolism and aging process, Kiden's power naturally compensates for this and reduces her metabolic activity to virtually zero as if she were in stasis. Even from her perspective, she can spend relative months in "quick-time" without even getting hungry.

When time is frozen around her, Kiden can move herself and other objects so that they are relocated when time restarts. Thus, other people will perceive her as having dodged bullets, or her or objects to have suddenly appeared or disappeared before their eyes. Kiden can consciously restore time flow to normal around her, or it will automatically do so when she touches another living person. This contact will transfer an enormous amount of kinetic force, since Kiden is technically existing and moving at immeasurably high speeds during "quick-time". Even the slightest touch could therefore be enough to break bones or send a person flying. Why this kinetic transfer only activates when touching living matter is unclear.

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