Wednesday, July 28, 2021




Real Name: Gabriel Shepherd
First Appearance: X-Men (Vol. 3) #36, November 2012

Powers: Gabriel Shepherd is a proto-mutant, part of an offshoot of the human-mutant species that existed hundreds of years ago. Shepherd is unique even among his people, possessing immortality and self-proclaimed omnipotence. The limits of his powers have not been established, nor do they seem to emanate from one, single kind of mutation. He is over 700 years old, possessing tremendous superhuman strength, invulnerability, and supersonic flight. His hearing is also super-acute. Shepherd has telepathic abilities, allowing him to read minds and screen his thoughts even from experienced telepaths.

His psychic power seems to be enhanced by physical contact. He could disappear at will, either by teleportation, transforming himself into energy, or a combination of the two. Gabriel also had considerable matter-energy manipulation abilities. He could project a temporal stasis pocket, freezing time within a given radius. He could move freely through the pocket, and allow other people to do the same. He could detect the subatomic traces of Arkea infestation on matter and within people, and then destroy it using a combination of an electromagnetic shock wave and total molecular disassembly of the materials nearby. He was likely capable of many other feats as well.

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