Wednesday, July 28, 2021




Real Name: Akihiro
First Appearance: Wolverine: Origins (Vol. 1) #10, March 2007

Powers: Daken is a second-generation mutant whose x-gene resulted in him possessing similar powers to his father, the mutant known as Wolverine.

He has accelerated cellular regeneration which gives him two abilities: His senses are superhumanly acute, boosting his vision, hearing, smell, taste, and touch. His sight is greater than 20/20, is specially adapted to function at night, and may even extend partially into the infrared spectrum. His sense of smell allows him to detect, organize, and differentiate between thousands of different scents, recognize people by their individual odors, and track them over miles of distance. Daken can act as a human lie detector, reading subtle changes in scent, heartbeat, and pupil dilation in other people. His sense of touch can detect minute changes in temperature and wind direction in his immediate vicinity, allowing him to feel the body heat of other people and the motion of nearby objects in his environment.

The second ability is a fast-healing factor that regenerates damaged or destroyed areas of his cellular structure almost instantaneously. The speed of his healing ability varies in direct proportion to the severity of the damage that he has sustained. Unlike ordinary human adults, Daken can actually regenerate cells of his nervous system and even entire organs. It is not known whether he can regenerate a limb, though. His healing ability makes him immune to poisons and most drugs. For example, it is nearly impossible for him to become intoxicated from drinking alcohol. He also has limited immunity to the fatigue poisons generated by his own body and hence, has greater stamina then an ordinary human being. This also affects his other abilities, heightening his strength, speed, agility, and reaction time. His healing factor also suppressed his aging process, keeping him vital and youthful-looking even past his half-centennial.

Daken’s claws are foot-long blades. Stored in his forearms and wrists, the claws pop out through his wrists and the backs of his hands. Each claw is triggered on an independent mental circuit, meaning he can pop anywhere from one to all six claws at once. The Normally, the claws had to break through the skin and knuckles to extend, leaving an open wound for his healing factor to close instantly. He formerly had one claw on each hand bonded to the Muramasa psycho-metal, making them strong enough to cut through Adamantium and inhibit healing factors when they strike. The bonding process came with metal channels on the backs of his hands that kept the skin open to prevent him from tearing open his flesh each time.

Daken also has the ability to emit pheromones which influence the moods of other people. Initially, his power caused other to experience whatever mood he was experiencing, but with practice he learned how to create specific reactions at will, like calm, panic, anger, lust, etc. Daken can manipulate people into trusting him against their best interests, push opponents into acting rashly out of anger while in combat, etc. This power also allows him to distort sensory perceptions to mask his scent and prevent opponents from accurately perceiving his location and movements, making him difficult to strike or avoid.

He formerly used a tech-based glove invented by Reed Richards that generated an energy claw able to cut through virtually anything and produced a stunning effect to harmlessly incapacitate opponents.

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