Monday, July 26, 2021




Real Name: Sarah Vale (Network); Jessica Vale (Preview)
First Appearance: New X-Men (Vol. 2) #12, June 2005 (both)

Powers: Network (left) and Preview (right) were sisters born with mutant powers which manifested in their adolescence.

Network’s mutant ability was the power of technopathy. She could communicate with computers and other machines mentally. By mentally linking with a computer, she could read through all the files and programs it possessed with a thought, absorbing that information into her own memory. If that computer had a modem or wireless connection capabilities, she could then scan through the databanks of all computer systems connected to the one she was linked with, potentially giving her access to the entire internet's worth of knowledge from a single terminal. If her power extended to broadcast technopathy as well as receptive talents, she could also reprogram a computer or machine with her thoughts, causing them to start up or shut down at her leisure, perform single tasks under her direct command or reprogram the basic functioning protocols of the system, making it operate in a particularly different manner long after she breaks her connection.

Preview's mutant power was a form of short-term precognition. She apparently foresaw her squad losing a competition beforehand. It was unknown if she actually lived through the events as she experienced them, or experienced a vision third-person somehow, nor is it known if she could see things that don't involve her or if she only looked forward in her own timeline.

1 comment:

sylar10 said...

Preview actually lost her powers on M-Day, while Network was killed on Stryker bus attack. Network has been resurrected and is on Krakoa, but we most likely won't see Preview since the unwritten rule is "no precogs".