Tuesday, July 20, 2021




Real Name: Hisako Ichiki
First Appearance: Astonishing X-Men (Vol. 3) #4, October 2004

Powers: Armor possesses the mutant ability to harness her own spiritual energy, converting it into a psychoplasmic battle armor that materializes around her form.

The armor protects her from various forms of harm -- including heat, impact and pressure -- though it can easily be penetrated by Adamantium. Her strength is dramatically magnified by the armor, allowing her to lift at least several tons of weight and deliver superhumanly strong punches. She's able to smash through reinforced walls with little effort. Hisako identifies her armor as forged from the spirits of her ancestors, but the full implication of this is unclear. She does seem to possess wells of strength that she has yet to fully tap into: Her armor was originally neon blue, yet suddenly turned red and expanded tremendously in size and strength while in a later battle. Hypothetically, if her power is drawn from the spiritual energy of her ancestors, then the farther back along her lineage she is capable of tapping, the more powerful her armor should become.

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