Tuesday, July 20, 2021




Real Name: Megan Gwynn
First Appearance: New X-Men (Vol. 2) #5, November 2004

Powers: Pixie was born with a fairy-like mutation that has manifested as a large set of four translucent multicolored pixie wings on her back which enable her to lift off the ground and fly. She can also produce what she calls "pixie dust", which is said to cause a hallucinogenic effect. It is assumed that she expels it from her wings as she flies, leaving the dust in her wake so that it is absorbed through the skin or inhaled by people she passes by, causing them to experience mind-altering visions and perceived distortions of reality around them.

In addition, a portion of her soul has been replaced by black magic thanks to the Darkchilde's manipulations, allowing her to manifest a "soul dagger" on command and giving her the potential for casting various spells. In particular, she has mastered the spell for teleportation, allowing her to transport herself and other people across considerable distances in a single jump. She has recently learned to transport others independently with a gesture, instead of simply taking them along as passengers when she teleported herself.

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