Wednesday, July 28, 2021




Real Name: Richard Palance
First Appearance: X-Men (Vol. 2) #194, February 2007

Powers: Dr. Richard Palance is a baseline human who gained his superhuman ability through an infectious agent.

Pandemic obtained a DNA sample from Rogue, synthesized her power into a virus called Strain 87 and then injected himself with it, hoping to replicate her absorption ability for himself. Instead, it gave him the ability to duplicate and permanently retain the powers of any mutant he came into contact with. Unlike Rogue, he wasn't absorbing powers, only copying. Moreover, he couldn't absorb life energy, memories, and personalities. Also, his power didn't require solely skin-to-skin contact, he could activate it through contact with a mere DNA sample.

Although he claimed to possess 300 superhuman mutant powers (including 17 different forms of invulnerability), the powers he did demonstrate were readily identifiable as those of (in order of usage): Nightcrawler, Lady Mastermind, Chamber, Cyclops, Havok, Storm, Bishop, Iceman, Husk, Alchemy, Sunfire, Jean Grey, Shadowcat, Cannonball, and finally Sabretooth.

Dr. Richard Palance holds a Ph.D. in genetics and is a recognized geneticist. He also holds an M.D. and specializes in infectious diseases.

1 comment:

sylar10 said...

He was a retcon character. A colleague of Xavier’s from back when Rogue first joined the team, Xavier consulted Palance when he was looking for ways to help Rogue control her power. He had a DNA library on hundreds of mutants, which he created after being exposed to several X-Men as an outside physician.

The X-Men beat him by having him take Sabretooth’s powers, with Pandemic not knowing Creed has a healing factor. It eradicated Strain 87 and his entire power set, making human once again. No wonder he had several invulnerability powers and none involving fast healing.