Monday, July 19, 2021




Real Name: Unknown
First Appearance: Mystique (Vol. 1) #3, August 2003

Powers: A mutant telepath, Shortpack began shrinking at puberty and was inches tall when Charles Xavier taught him exercises to halt the process, although he remained unable to regain his normal size.

Shortpack can telepathically send and receive thoughts over several miles, though much shorter with unfamiliar minds. He cannot read unprojected thoughts and sufficiently trained people can block his mental access. Athletic with size-proportionate physical abilities, he adapts everyday items for acrobatic use, such as using a pencil for vaulting pole.

Though possessing normal tissue density, he is more readily injured by an equivalent force than a full-sized person. While he moves at relatively normal speeds, his size prevents his covering distances swiftly.

He used a high-tech laptop to infiltrate data systems, plus-sized down gas masks, grappling hook guns, in-line skates, and jetpacks.

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