Tuesday, July 20, 2021




Real Name: Hanna Levy
First Appearance: District X (Vol. 1) #2, August 2004

Powers: Hanna Levy’s mutant power was an altered digestive system and metabolism. Her tongue is both elastic and prehensile, allowing her to stretch it to a few dozen feet long, guiding it like a whip or lasso towards a given target. The rest of her digestive system is mutated for a strict diet of insects. Her body’s gastrointestinal tract can only process insects, breaking them down for their high levels of protein, calcium, iron, and zinc until her cells utilize those elements absorbed from the insects during digestion.

Hanna Levy has a degree in social history and is a researcher for a prominent historical journal.

1 comment:

sylar10 said...

She was depowered, but went crazy after deluding herself into thinking that the pests in her apartment would take revenge on her for all the insects she’s eaten.