Wednesday, July 28, 2021




Real Name: Trevor Hawkins
First Appearance: Wolverine & The X-Men (Vol. 1) #19, December 2012

Powers: Eye-Boy is a mutant who possesses about a hundred eyes scattered over every surface of his body. He has a superhuman visual cortex able to effectively process information from these various perspectives simultaneously, giving him a 360° degree field of vision at all times. Trevor has developed an intuitive ability to read body language and visual cues, similar to Cypher's expanded abilities after his resurrection. He can identify people's emotional state, subtle responses to their environment, and perform detective-level data extrapolation based on his observations. A visit from his future self showed Trevor that his abilities can also give him perfect vision and accuracy with firearms and ranged weapons.

Eye-Boy can also perceive certain forms of energy or information that are invisible to the naked eye. He can see magic, electromagnetic transmissions, pierce illusions, and find his friends because of the emotional energy that forms a connection between them. He can "x-ray" people, seeing their skeletons, circulatory system, or pinpoint other hidden or internal aspects of their bodies.

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