Wednesday, July 28, 2021




Real Name: Aldrif Odinsdottir
First Appearance: Age of Ultron (Vol. 1) #10, August 2013

Powers: Angela is the daughter of the All-Father Odin. As a result, she is more than three times stronger than even a regular Asgardian. Her body is composed of carbon matter many times denser and heavier than a normal human being, and further enhanced magically by the power inherited from her father. Combined with the Asgardian magic inherent to her life force, she possesses Class 100 strength, superhuman endurance, and resistance to physical injury, toxins, and disease. Asgardian races also have much better vision and hearing than humans and phenomenal longevity, which can be extended into virtual immortality by occasionally eating Idunn's golden apples.

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