Thursday, July 22, 2021




Real Name: Phyla-Vell
First Appearance: Captain Marvel (Vol. 5) #16, January 2004

Powers: Phyla-Vell is the artificially-engineered daughter of Captain Mar-Vell and Elysius of Titan, and the inheritor of the legacies of Captain Marvel and, more recently, Quasar. Phyla first appeared after her brother Genis went mad and helped the cosmic being Entropy destroy the universe, then recreate it -- her existence was one of many relatively small inconsistencies between the previous version of Earth-616 and the reconstructed one.

Phyla possesses the augmented physiology of her mother and minor solar processing abilities inherited from her father, giving her Class 10-15 strength, moderately superhuman endurance and reflexes, and the ability to fly under her own power. She also possessed an extremely limited form of cosmic awareness which increased her natural intuitive abilities. Her powers were augmented by a set of nega bands, which harnessed her psionic energy to amplify her strength, endurance, durability and flight speed. The bands also made her an energy sponge, allowing Phyla to absorb energy assaults directed against her, and then amplify and return the energy as photonic blasts. Although she could produce a small amount of photonic energy through the bands on her own, she was primarily reliant on outside attacks or energy sources to "power up" in combat.

After confronting Annihilus in battle, she stripped him of the Quantum-Bands he had stolen from Wendell Vaughn's corpse, and so became Quasar herself, the new Protector of the Universe. The
Quantum-Bands absorbed the nega bands as they attached permanently to her wrists, replacing her old powers with new ones. Somehow, Phyla lost her cosmic awareness in the process of gaining the Quantum-Bands, and so if the bands were somehow disabled, she only possesses her natural strength and flight powers. With the Quantum-Bands, however, she could do virtually anything Wendell Vaughn could do with them. She often forged a quantum sword as her signature weapon. During a trip to the afterlife, Phyla lost the Quantum-Bands as Wendell Vaughn returned to life. She also made a deal with Oblivion to become the Avatar of Death in exchange for saving Heather Douglas from the Dragon of the Moon. Now calling herself Martyr, Phyla's natural strength, durability and flight powers were enhanced by Oblivion. She also carries a death-metal sword in place of her old Quantum Sword. This blade can cut through most anything, and discharge concussive blasts from its tip.

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