Sunday, July 25, 2021




Real Name: Ruth Aldine
First Appearance: Astonishing X-Men (Vol. 3) #7, January 2005

Powers: Blindfold’s mutation seems to grant her an array of psionic powers, but the parameters of any of them have yet to be defined. Blindfold is physically blind (her eye sockets are completely covered over in flesh), and the fact that she has the ability to walk and navigate normally without any eyes suggests a clairvoyant power, feeding her information on her surroundings so that she can perceive in her mind's eye. She has also shown herself capable of at least passive telepathic abilities: She can sense the minds of nearby people, track them down over a short distance, sense whether someone is awake or asleep, and communicate mentally with others. It is unknown if she has developed this power to perform greater telepathic feats such as mind control, illusion casting, forced unconsciousness, etc. Finally, she seems capable of precognitive and retrocognitive knowledge of events. Blindfold generally speaks in a halting, interruptive manner, as if she were listening to voices others cannot hear. How exactly this relates to her powers is unknown.

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