Tuesday, July 20, 2021




Real Name: Alani Ryan
First Appearance: New X-Men: Academy X (Vol. 1) #5, November 2004

Powers: Loa has the mutant power to disrupt the molecular structure of objects that pass through her body, causing them to disintegrate. Loa's power operates similar to Shadowcat's power in basic principle, only the transition in-and-out of the object isn't as efficient. While Shadowcat’s molecules slide effortlessly over and around those of other objects while phased, Loa's power signature would be more akin to shoving through an object instead of sliding. Loa experiences greater resistance moving through objects than Shadowcat, and so while she walks through objects as if they were air, Loa must swim through them: Physically propelling herself along inside the mass she's passing through with kicks or strokes. Upon exiting the object, the distortion of her molecules on the object's structure cause it to lose integrity and break down, crumbling to pieces within moments after she passes. If she walks through a wall, a hole is left in it after she exits. Projectiles and other attacks are disintegrated after passing through her, and punching her directly is harmful. Wearing an Atlantean pendant has conditioned her to breathe underwater and survive at ocean depths.

Alani Ryan is an avid surfer and fluent in Hawaiian language and customs.

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