Thursday, July 22, 2021




Real Name: Daniel Kaufman
First Appearance: District X (Vol. 1) #2, August 2004

Powers: Shaky Kaufman's mutant power was his mutated supra-renal (adrenal) glands. His glands generated an unusual amount of hormones, specifically adrenaline, which altered his cellular metabolism. As a result, adrenaline flowed unchecked through both his brain and body, temporarily enhancing his strength and rendering him unable to feel pain, but also destabilizing his emotional output, leaving him prone to fits of extreme violence.

1 comment:

sylar10 said...

Along with Filthy Frankie, they gave these NYC Jewish mob bosses some shitty mutant powers.

He's like Darkman, but without the whole "burned beyond recognition" part. He was depowered on M-Day.