Monday, July 19, 2021




Real Name: Unrevealed
First Appearance: Excalibur (Vol. 3) #1, July 2004

Powers: Wicked’s mutant power draws upon the necroplasmic residue left in the environment by the death of living beings, using this form of psychic energy to create ghost-like entities that operate under her direction. She can summon one of these phantoms, or hundreds at a time. It remains unclear whether each of these specters is an individual person's spirit, or if they are non-specific constructs forged out of the residual energy of multiple people's "remnants" melded together. These spirits are transparent and float about like classic ghosts do. They can be either tangible or intangible according to Wicked's will and are capable of lifting and manipulating physical objects.

Wicked can mind-link with her spirit-friends to use them as scouts to see and hear things occurring in their presence far removed from her own location. She is psychically linked to these spirits, and experiences phantom pain whenever something manages to damage one of her specters. Wicked can incorporate another person into the mental link she shares with the spirit-friends by touching them. When linked with her, these other people can experience whatever Wicked does through the specters, helping her cope with any phantom pain and experiencing the same sensory information she does.

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