Tuesday, July 13, 2021




Real Name: Jacob Nash
First Appearance: The Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 2) #36, June 2002

Powers: Incarcerated convict Jacob Nash was the recipient of a botched mystical incantation which linked him to the astral plane. The burn mark on his neck was a sigil which allowed him to physically travel into the astral plane and return to Earth. On Earth, he could seemingly exchange between a physical and astral state at will. In his astral state, Shade was transparent and intangible, untouchable by any physical attack or obstacle. To access his changing form freely, however, Shade needed to use other human beings as fuel. Without them, he was unable to assume a physical state at all while on Earth. In order to harvest energy from people, Shade absorbed them into his form from Earth and into the astral plane. He then had to place them in a specific vessel he maintained on the astral plane. Once he did so, each person provided him with one day of being solid on Earth. He rapidly changed from tangible to intangible fighting Spider-Man, so it was apparently cumulative time. It wasn't explained what would happen to the people once their 24 hours of use expired.

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