Wednesday, July 14, 2021




Real Name: Sharon Ginsberg
First Appearance: X-Statix (Vol. 1) #2, October 2002

Powers: Sharon Ginsberg's mutation grants her superhumanly sharp fingernails and toenail that can rend bones and cartilage, and her entire anatomy is adapted for flight: She has porous, highly flexible bones, muscle mass proportionately greater than a similarly sized person, enabling her to lift over 500 pounds. She had leathery bat-like wings that spanned approximately 15' and allowed flight at least up to 70 miles per hour (though her top speed and altitude are unrevealed). Her wings could also be folded in and hidden from view.

Ginsberg is a skilled attorney with a Juris Doctorate, but her wings' removal left her psychologically unhinged; she continues to feel nonexistent "phantom wings".

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