Tuesday, July 13, 2021




Real Name: Moonbeam
First Appearance: X-Force (Vol. 1) #125, April 2002

Powers: Dead Girl is a mutant with an inanimate physiology. As a reanimated corpse, she is essentially a sentient consciousness possessing and partially revitalizing a body of dead tissue. She is completely unaffected by physical injuries: She can be shot, stabbed, decapitated, or incinerated and not only survive, but completely rebuild her molecular structure back to her normal state. If portions are severed from her main body, she can mentally control their actions from a distance and reattach them to herself on contact. She survives without food or oxygen, even operating unprotected in the vacuum of space. She could also become intangible and walk on air.

She also has an array of necropathic abilities, and by touching a corpse she can absorb residual thoughts and knowledge from the deceased's mind, or return them to a temporary form of life as a spectre or a sort of zombie, making requests and commands of them. At times she has even traveled to the afterlife and communed with spirits on the other side.

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